Oral Surgery

Empire Dental offers a range of oral surgery procedures performed by our skilled and experienced surgeons. We prioritize patient safety and comfort, utilizing the latest techniques and technology to ensure effective and minimally invasive treatments.

Facing Oral Health Issues? Our Oral Surgery Services Can Help

Need Oral Surgery? Consult with Our Experienced Surgeons

Oral Surgery

The Scope of Oral Surgery Services We Offer

Our oral surgery services include wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, bone grafting, corrective jaw surgery, and treatment of oral pathologies. Each procedure is tailored to meet the specific needs and health goals of our patients.

Preparing for Your Oral Surgery Procedure

Prior to surgery, we conduct thorough evaluations and discuss the procedure, anesthesia options, and any preparations needed. We encourage patients to ask questions and express any concerns they might have.

What to Expect During Oral Surgery

During oral surgery, our focus is on precision and comfort. Anesthesia or sedation is used to ensure a pain-free experience. Our team closely monitors each step of the procedure for the best outcomes.

Recovery and Aftercare Following Oral Surgery

Post-surgery, we provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to promote quick healing and reduce discomfort. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor recovery and address any concerns.

For High-Quality Oral Surgery in Houston

Expert Oral Surgery Procedures - Contact Us for Personalized Care