Botox for TMJ

Empire Dental offers Botox treatment as a non-surgical option to alleviate symptoms of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders. Our experienced dental professionals provide this innovative treatment to help reduce jaw tension, pain, and other associated symptoms.

Suffering from Jaw Pain? Explore Botox for TMJ Relief

TMJ Discomfort? Botox Could Be Your Solution - Ask Our Experts

Botox for TMJ

Understanding TMJ Disorders and Botox Treatment

TMJ disorders can cause discomfort, including jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. Botox, a neurotoxin, can be used effectively to relax the muscles around the jaw joint, providing relief from these symptoms.

Benefits of Using Botox for TMJ Disorders

Botox injections for TMJ disorders offer several benefits, including reduced muscle tension, alleviation of jaw pain and headaches, improved comfort during jaw movements, and sometimes even improvement in sleep quality due to reduced pain.

The Botox Treatment Process for TMJ

The treatment involves a series of Botox injections administered in the muscles affected by the TMJ disorder. The procedure is quick, with minimal discomfort, and does not require anesthesia. It's a convenient, outpatient procedure with no downtime.

Aftercare and Expected Results from Botox for TMJ

Patients typically experience relief from TMJ symptoms within a few days of treatment, with results lasting several months. We provide aftercare instructions and may recommend follow-up treatments to maintain the benefits.

Find Relief from TMJ Pain

Reduce Jaw Tension and Discomfort - Contact Us for Botox Therapy