Dental Emergencies

Empire Dental is equipped to handle various dental emergencies with promptness and care. We understand the urgency and discomfort of dental emergencies, and our dedicated team is prepared to provide the immediate assistance you need.

Dental Emergency? Don’t Wait

Suffering from Severe Toothache or Injury? Contact Our Emergency Team Now

Dental Emergencies

Recognizing Dental Emergencies: When to Seek Immediate Care

A dental emergency can include severe toothache, tooth breakage or loss, lost fillings or crowns, abscesses, and bleeding or swelling in the mouth. Immediate dental care is crucial in these situations to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.

Our Approach to Handling Dental Emergencies

Our clinic is equipped to provide rapid and effective treatment for dental emergencies. We prioritize your comfort and swiftly address the issue to alleviate pain and stabilize your condition. Our team also provides follow-up care instructions and support.

Common Dental Emergencies We Treat

We treat a range of dental emergencies, including but not limited to:

  • Knocked-out or broken teeth
  • Severe toothaches or abscesses
  • Lost fillings or crowns
  • Trauma to the mouth or jaw
  • Swelling or bleeding gums

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

In case of a dental emergency, contact us immediately. If a tooth is knocked out, try to preserve it in milk or saliva. For bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth. Avoid taking aspirin for pain if there’s bleeding, as it may increase it.

Don’t Suffer in Silence - We’re Here to Provide Emergency Dental Care

Immediate Dental Care Needed? Call Empire Dental for Urgent Assistance!