Dental X-Rays

At Empire Dental, we use advanced dental X-ray technology to provide a comprehensive view of your oral health. Our state-of-the-art X-rays are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, ensuring you receive the best possible dental care.

Need a Detailed View of Your Dental Health?

Have Concerns About Dental X-Rays? Contact Us for Answers

Dental X-Rays

What are Dental X-Rays and Why are They Important?

Dental X-rays are imaging tools that provide detailed pictures of your teeth, bones, and surrounding soft tissues. They help us detect issues that aren’t visible during a standard dental exam, such as cavities between teeth, impacted teeth, jawbone damage, and more. These images are vital for developing an effective treatment plan.

Our Advanced Dental X-Ray Technology

We use the latest in dental X-ray technology to ensure high-quality images with minimal radiation exposure. Our digital X-ray equipment provides clear, detailed images that can be viewed immediately, aiding in efficient and accurate diagnosis.

Safety Measures and Comfort during Dental X-Rays

Your safety is our priority. We adhere to strict safety protocols, and our dental X-rays are performed with the utmost care to minimize radiation exposure. Lead aprons and collars are used for additional protection, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.

When Do You Need a Dental X-Ray?

Dental X-rays are recommended during your initial visit and periodically afterward, depending on your individual oral health needs. They are essential for children to monitor growth and development and for adults to check for hidden dental issues.

Accurate Diagnosis Leads to Effective Treatment

Ready for a Thorough Dental Assessment? Schedule Your X-Ray Appointment today.