Bone Grafting

Empire Dental offers advanced bone grafting procedures to reinforce the jawbone, creating a solid foundation for dental implants. Our experienced surgeons use cutting-edge techniques to ensure safe and effective bone grafts, enhancing the success rate of implant surgeries.

Need a Strong Foundation for Implants? Consider Bone Grafting

Questions About Bone Grafting? Our Team Can Provide Answers

Bone Grafting

Understanding Bone Grafting and Its Importance

Bone grafting is a procedure to rebuild or strengthen the jawbone that has atrophied or been damaged. It is often necessary for patients who lack sufficient bone density for dental implants, ensuring the implants have a stable base for placement.

Types of Bone Grafts and Their Sources

We provide various types of bone grafts, including autografts (from the patient's own body), allografts (from a human donor), and synthetic alternatives. The choice of graft depends on the patient's specific needs and the extent of bone loss.

The Bone Grafting Procedure

The procedure involves placing the graft material into the area where more bone is needed. Over time, this material helps stimulate new bone growth, integrating with the existing bone structure. The process is crucial for patients preparing for dental implants.

Recovery and Aftercare Following Bone Grafting

Post-procedure, patients may experience some discomfort, which can be managed with medication. We provide detailed aftercare instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor healing and progress.

Build a Strong Foundation for Dental Implants

Considering Implants? Start with Bone Grafting for Optimal Results