
At Empire Dental, we provide comprehensive orthodontic services designed to align teeth, correct bites, and improve overall oral health. Our experienced team offers personalized treatments for patients of all ages,

Transform Your Smile with Orthodontics

Considering Braces or Aligners? Let Our Orthodontic Experts Guide You


Orthodontic Services We Offer

Our range of orthodontic solutions includes traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, and innovative clear aligner systems like Invisalign. We assess each patient's specific needs to recommend the most suitable treatment.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment goes beyond cosmetic improvements. It helps in correcting bite issues, alleviating potential jaw pain, improving oral hygiene by aligning teeth for better cleaning, and boosting self-confidence with a straighter smile.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Solution for You

Our consultation process involves a thorough examination, discussion of your goals, and evaluation of your dental history. We consider factors like your lifestyle, treatment duration, and aesthetic preferences to choose the ideal orthodontic option for you.

What to Expect During Orthodontic Treatment

The duration and experience of orthodontic treatment vary depending on the method chosen. Regular follow-up appointments are essential for adjustments and monitoring progress. We provide detailed guidance on care and maintenance during treatment.

Get Started on Your Journey to a Perfect Smile

Achieve the Smile of Your Dreams with Our Orthodontic Options - Contact Us Now