Fluoride Treatments

Empire Dental offers professional fluoride treatments as an essential part of our preventive dental care services. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps strengthen tooth enamel and fight against tooth decay, making it an important treatment for maintaining oral health.

Want Healthier, Stronger Teeth? Consider Our Fluoride Treatments

Questions About Fluoride Treatments? We're Here to Help!

Fluoride Treatments

What Are Fluoride Treatments and Their Importance?

Fluoride treatments involve the application of a high concentration of fluoride to the teeth. This treatment is particularly important in reinforcing tooth enamel and making teeth more resistant to decay. It can also reverse early signs of tooth decay and is an integral part of preventive dental care.

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments for Oral Health

Regular fluoride treatments can significantly reduce the risk of cavities, especially in children and adults prone to decay. They are beneficial in strengthening teeth in patients of all ages, including those with dry mouth conditions, gum disease, or a history of frequent cavities.

Who Needs Fluoride Treatments?

While fluoride treatments are commonly recommended for children and teenagers, adults can also benefit from them. They are especially advised for patients at a higher risk of dental decay or those who don’t get sufficient fluoride through water or other sources.

What to Expect During a Fluoride Treatment?

The treatment is quick and painless. Fluoride, in the form of a gel, foam, or varnish, is applied to the teeth and left on for a few minutes. After the treatment, patients are advised not to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes to allow the teeth to absorb the fluoride fully.

Enhance Your Oral Health with Fluoride Treatments

Ready for Stronger Teeth? Book Your Fluoride Treatment Appointment Today